Herbal versus synthetic products skin solutions
The concept of using plants and other botanical extracts for herbal skincare is not new. Many old civilizations, such as the Chinese, have been using herbs to heal acne and fight wrinkles on the skin.
The concept is so well-established that major brands use plant extracts in their products rather than using synthetics. This is because these naturally existing herbs have virtually zero side effects and often show a quick response as compared to synthetic products.
Moreover, the botanical extracts obtained from the flowers and herbs can heal the skin from inside out, removing the dead cells, boosting the protein content of the skin, and enhancing the blood supply, leaving the skin-soothing fresh.
Top herbs as skin solutions:
1. Saffron
The most expensive spice in the world, saffron, carries loads of benefits for the human body, including the skin. Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus or more commonly known as the saffron crocus.
The most important golden saffron property is its antioxidant nature, providing excellent cover against various oxidative agents such as free radicals.
Research has shown that the agents that present oxidative stress to the body's cells cause the degradation of a very important protein, collagen.
Collagen is essential for maintaining the characteristic elasticity of the skin and helps keep it free of wrinkles. Thus, it is important to prevent the potential effects that aging might have on one's skin.
Saffron has several antioxidants, namely crocin, crocetin, and safranal. These antioxidants serve to prevent the harmful effects of oxidative stress on the skin. Thereby, using saffron products regularly such as the golden saffron extract from BeHerbal can help you keep your skin fresh and young-looking.
2. Moringa
Moringa oleifera, commonly known as the drumstick tree, is a very fast-growing plant. This herb has been used by people for centuries, owing to the multiple health benefits it has.
Moringa is often used as an oil, which is extracted from the drumstick tree fruits. It is very commonly found in herbal skincare products, such as shampoos, conditioners, and perfumes.
Moringa is a plant extract very rich in multiple vitamins, most common being Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
Vitamin A carries large importance for the skin as it helps the body build up collagen in the skin. As collagen is responsible for the elasticity, strength, and wrinkle-free look of the skin, so Vitamin A found in moringa can help battle against the effects aging has on one's skin, the most common being wrinkles.
Furthermore, research indicates that Vitamin C in moringa is a very potent antioxidant. It prevents oxidative agents such as free radicals from damaging the collagen in the skin. So it also prevents the signs of aging. Moringa also contains Vitamin E, which prevents damage to one's skin by fighting inflammation.
Moringa extracts are commonly used as a powder. However, this natural skin care product has no side effects, so BeHerbal has formulated a special formula that constitutes pure moringa extract obtained from drumstick tree leaves and completes the list of your herbal skincare remedies.
3. Coriander
Coriandrum sativum, more commonly known as cilantro or coriander leaf, is an annual herb that has been grown all over the world in temperate climates of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
Both the leaves and seeds of coriander find culinary uses. The leaves can be used for flavoring prepared foods, while the seeds can be used as spices.
The prime chemicals in coriander seeds are essential oils and a class of lipids called terpenoids. These terpenoids include linalool, which was isolated from coriander seeds. Aside from essential oils and terpenoids, chemicals such as caffeic acid and glycosides are also found in coriander leaves.
Coriander has been found to enhance skin health, particularly by stopping the effects of collagen degrading enzymes such as collagenases. Premature aging of the skin is called photoaging.
Photoaging is caused by excessive exposure to sun rays, including dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays. The UV rays induce the matrix metalloproteinases, including MMP-1, also known as collagenase. These enzymes then break the extracellular matrix down, which includes collagen and other ECM proteins.
The chemicals found in coriander inhibit the collagenases, thereby preventing skin damage due to exposure to dangerous UV rays in sunlight.
4. Acai Berries
Who doesn't love acai berries? We find acai berry smoothies and juices everywhere, but what if we told you acai berries carry loads of benefits in the field of herbal skincare remedies?
Acai berries come from acai palm trees, which are found throughout Central America. Several studies conducted by scientists have shown that acai berries are even richer in antioxidants than cranberries, which gives a huge potential for acai berries to be used in herbal skincare products.
The antioxidant potential in acai berries come from a natural plant pigment known as anthocyanin. The powerful antioxidant prevents skin cells' wrinkling and death due to the oxidative stress caused on the skin due to environmental pollutants or other external causes such as UV rays.
The antioxidants found in acai berries such as Vitamin A prevent the skin collagen from degradation due to various enzymes such as collagenases. Loss of collagen is probably the most important factor that causes the skin to present aging effects such as wrinkling and inelasticity.
The environmental stress such as pollutants and germs such as bacteria also cause skin cell death, which causes a pale appearance.
The acai berry extract found in the detox complex from BeHerbal helps the body combat these stresses by boosting immunity. Moreover, this specially formulated formula also lowers blood cholesterol, improving your general body health while providing an exfoliating agent that leaves your skin fresh looking and moisturized.
5. Apple cider vinegar
The tradition of regularly eating fruits for young- and healthy-looking skin is not modern.
Back in the days when synthetic skincare products were not available, the first line of defense against harmful agents that have toxic effects on the skin was using natural remedies, such as eating fruits rich in detoxifying agents such as apples.
A study published at Mayo Clinic points out that bacteria are the primary cause behind skin acne. So, the primary course of treatment against acne is to reduce the harmful bacteria on the skin and form a sufficient immune boost to the blood cells fighting these bacteria.
The organic acids found in apple cider vinegar, particularly acetic acid, are very potent in destroying these harmful bacteria that cause acne, thereby damaging the natural look and feel of healthy skin.
Acetic acid has a dual-action. It inhibits the growth of these harmful bacteria and helps destroy the toxic bacterial biofilms that cause acne.
Studies indicate that apple cider vinegar skincare products such as best in the class herbal extract from BeHerbal can efficiently form a barrier against the daily damage the skin endures from harmful pollutants and bacteria that cause acne.
6. Chlorella
You are probably amazed to find an alga on the list of herbal skin care remedies, right? But let us tell you that chlorella carries several health benefits along with spirulina, particularly lowering the blood cholesterol levels and detoxifying the body of harmful chemicals that impinge disastrous wear and tear on your skin.
The extracts obtained from this freshwater alga are available in many forms, such as tablets, capsules, and powders.
Studies have indicated that chlorella is very nutritious and provides great antioxidant cover against harmful free radicals. It is rich in iron, and Vitamin C.
Vitamin C in this alga is a potent antioxidant, eliminating the free radicals that activate the collagenases, which then disintegrates collagen type 1, the principal constituent of the proteins contained in the skin.
Collagen type 1 is responsible for maintaining the skin's wrinkle-free look and retaining its elasticity and overall glow. Moreover, a study has also indicated that several other antioxidants in chlorella extract, such as lycopene and lutein, interfere with how the gene's age. They lower the effects of aging, which are specifically visible in our skin.
Owing to the detoxifying and immunity-boosting effects of chlorella, it can prove to be a potent ingredient in the daily herbal skincare routine. A natural formula from BeHerbal contains all the important extracts obtained from chlorella in an easy to swallow, one per day capsule, not only helping to maintain your lipid profile at normal but also helping you maintain healthy-looking skin.
7. Horsetail
Horsetail, scientifically known as Equisetum arvense, is one of the oldest plants on our planet that contains essential minerals for maintaining good skin health.
The stems and shoots of horsetail are a rich, natural source of many minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other valuable nutrients. However, the specific highlight of horsetail is the high silica content it contains.
This attribute enables the plant to be used widely for medicinal purposes, as the high silica content it contains can be easily absorbed and used by our bodies.
Research conducted by healthcare professionals backed by rigorous clinical trials has found the silicon mechanism by which it affects collagen production in the body. The study conducted to examine the effects of silica on skin found that silicon carries a large significance for the natural and optimal collagen synthesis in the skin.
Silicon is also found to activate the hydroxylation enzymes, which play an important role in forming meshed collagen networks in the skin, thereby improving the strength, elasticity, and overall pigmentation of the skin.
Aside from these effects, the silica found in horsetail is also associated with the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, which are the integral parts of the extracellular matrix in the body.
Therefore, this plant surely does have benefits in boosting the natural production of collagen in our bodies.
8. Aloe Vera
If you are reading this list, you probably are not oblivious to the great benefits of aloe vera on the skin.
Aloe vera, scientifically known as Aloe barbadensis, is a commonly occurring plant in warm climates. However, if the climate is not warm enough, it can be easily grown indoors.
This plant's anti-microbial effects have been known to people for centuries, and people used it as a powerful sterilizer on wounds when synthetic antibiotics were not available.
The anti-microbial properties of aloe vera have a potent effect in healing wounds. It kills the harmful bacteria involved in damaging the skin tissue around the wound, thereby stopping the wound propagation effectively.
Moreover, this plant also has found effective uses in treating sunburn symptoms, and other scars on the skin caused due to trauma.
The specific highlight of aloe vera gel lies in its moisturizing properties. Aloe vera is one of the best naturally existing moisturizers. It leaves the skin moisturized without clogging its pores, leaving the skin fresh looking and healthy after applying aloe vera gel.
As the plant grows in warm climates, the gel found in its leaves is rich in water and a specific type of carbohydrates known as plant carbohydrates, which give it the potential to act as a potent face moisturizer and thereby acting as an essential component of daily herbal skincare routine.
9. Comfrey
Comfrey, scientifically known as Symphytum officinale, is a flowering plant. Just like calendula, comfrey finds a lot of uses in gardening and general medicine. It has been used in Japan to treat bruises, joint inflammation, and burns for over 2000 years.
Some traditional monks have used it to heal stomach diseases such as diarrhea and gut inflammation.
The ability of comfrey to combat inflammation has granted it the potential to be used as a great skincare product.
Comfrey helps the body heal the burn wounds on the skin, particularly fighting the inflammation caused due to external agents such as allergens.
This property can be used effectively for treating skin conditions such as eczema and acne. Infusions obtained from this plant can be used as a toner in lotions and other herbal skincare solutions.
10. Rosemary
Rosemary, known as Rosmarinus officinalis, is another herb used in herbal skincare products. The extract obtained from the leaves of rosemary is astringent for all skin types.
The extracts improve the blood supply to the skin, thereby promoting the healing of wounds and scars. This also enhances skin cells' nourishment, which imparts a glow to the skin and keeps the skin fresh and healthy-looking.